In order to play poker, you'll need to download the PokerBros app and pre-register. Please follow the following steps:




Step 1:

Go to the Google Play or Apple Store. Locate the PokerBros App





Step 2:

Download the App. Open the App. 

Step 3:

Create a User ID and Password. Please consider that others can see your screen name. 





Step 4:

Click on the magnifying glass Search Button





Step 5: 

Enter in the Club ID: 173065

Refferer ID: 791249

Step 6:

We will approve your submission to the club. This may take an hour.






Step 7:

Locate the large Elite Casino Events Icon and then the table marked, Mark III. Click on the table.





Step 8:

You will see a countdown clock. Click on "Register"






Step 9:

Click the yellow "Confirm" button 


Congratulations! You are now entered into the tournament. You will see the countdown clock progress toward the start of the event at 6:40 p.m. on 12/3/20. You will automatically be seated at the tournament.